
The Benefits of a Non-Disclosure Agreement

An enterprise’s confidential information such as trade secrets, processes and key contacts are all valuable assets that should be protected during the course of a business’s commercial operations, negotiations and transactions. One effective tool for safeguarding...Read More

When Can I Terminate a Contract?

Knowing when and how to terminate a contract is crucial for all business owners in Australia. Various reasons may justify the termination of a contract, such as breach by another party, frustration, mistake, and force majeure. However, terminating a contract is a...Read More

Buying a Residential Property with Existing Tenants

The Australian real estate market offers an array of opportunities for investment. A common type of real estate investment is residential property with existing tenants. This can be an appealing option for various reasons, including the benefit of receiving rental...Read More

Your family law matter – keep it off social media

Do you have a grudge with your ex? Think twice before airing it on social media! Social media is commonly referred to as modern day ‘Surveillance’ for family law matters. What you post on your social media accounts may be used against you to damage your credibility by...Read More

Dying intestate – the perils of not making a Will

A valid Will determines how your estate is dealt with after you die. Your Will can appoint an appropriate family member or trusted friend to administer your estate (your executor), nominate guardians for young children, determine who will receive your assets and give...Read More

What happens when a contract is breached?

Contracts are a common tool used throughout our lives to create legal relationships between parties to define what actions people will take. If you have entered a contract with another party, you are obligated to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract. Any...Read More

Why it’s a bad idea to write your own Will

It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal...Read More